Here are a few tips for how to celebrate the occasion

Contests, cake and appropriately heartfelt thanks are central to the celebration of the 14th annual System Administrator Appreciation Day this Friday.

So exactly how are sysadmins and sysadmin admirers marking the occasion? What follows is a sampling of ways gleaned from Twitter and the hashtag #sysadminday:

First some of you (who don’t read Network World) may need to learn the basics — such as what a system administrator is — as this amusing ambush video from Spiceworks demonstrates:

You also could show your appreciation by becoming a better user and/or sysadmin supervisor. Toward that end, ITWorld recently solicited input from actual system administrators for a story headlined, “9 reasons sys admins hate you.”

Hate is almost certainly not in the vocabulary of your sysadmin, of course.

Contests are becoming a bigger part of SysAdmin Day every year as more vendors recognize the value of both system administrators and the publicity generated by giving away stuff. Among this year’s contests:

Thwack’s second annual SysAdmin Day meme contest;
Puppet Labs gif contest;
TrainSignal’s call to complete this sentence: “All I want for Sysadmin Day is ___________________.”
Dell KACE’s IT desk photo contest (with an Alienware laptop up for grabs);
Cyber-Ark giving away a Kindle Fire to the sysadmin who best answers: “What skills and experience have you gained in the past year that will most help you in the coming one, and why?”

And here’s a giveaway that doesn’t even require a contest entry: In honor of SysAdmin Day, the League of Professional Systems Administrators is offering a $14 discount on its normal $50 membership fee.

(Geek-themed Meme of the Week Archive)

Nothing says appreciation quite like cash.

Unless you’d prefer to sing The System Administrator Song:

In any event, have a happy SysAdmin Day.

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